Iyu Ka'Yin Nene
By Pat Uwaje King
Iyu ka’yin nene
Iyu ka’yin nene o/ 7ce
Olise bulu wa /2ce
Iyu ka’yin nene
Chi’m oma
Iyu ka’yin nene e
Chi’m oma
Iyu ka’yin geso oo
Ewerom onye ozo
Iyu kan’chekumeni
Iyu ka’yin nene e
Iyu ka’yin nene
I look up to the heavens from whence cometh my help?
My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and the earth
He said He will not suffer thy foot to be moved
The Lord that watcheth Israel does not slumber nor sleep /2ce
Iyu iyu o
Iyu iyu eh
Iyu ka’yin nene
Iyu ka’yin nene o
Iyu iyu o
Iyu iyu eh (only You Jesus)
Iyu ka’yin nene
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