Ps 119:5
Mercy and judgment will I sing,
I sing, O Lord, to Thee;
O when wilt Thou descend and
Thy light and life to me?
2. A perfect way in wisdom trod,
A perfect heart at home,
A way, a heart, a house, O God,
I seek, where Thou wilt come
3. I seek the faithful and the just;
May I their help enjoy!
Be these the friends in whom I trust,
The servants I employ!
4. From lies, from slander, and deceit,
My dwelling shall be free,
May it be found a dwelling meet,
O righteous Lord, for Thee.
1 Oluwa, emi y’o korin
Anu at’idajo;
Nigbawo n’Iwo y’o fun mi
N’imole on iye
2 mo nfe lati t’ona pipe,
Ki nni okan pipe,
Ona, okan ati ile,
Nibiti Iwo mbe,
3 Mo nfe ki awon oloto
Je oluranwo mi;
Ki nfi won s’ore-imule
A t’omo-odo mi.
4 Ki yo si eke at-etan
Ninu ibugbe mi;
Oluwa, Jek’Ibugbe mi
Ye fun O lati gbe!
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